• Industry-leading barcode reading performance
    • Full lineup of fixed-mount and handheld scanners 
    • Easy to set up regardless of experience level
    • On-site consultation, demonstration, and support available
  • Outstanding Performance

    Performance requirements are ever-changing. For example, in the automotive industry, the ability to read a barcode marked on metal from long ranges is necessary. In food and pharmaceutical industries, it is necessary to easily read codes from goods moving at high speeds on a conveyor. In logistics, the ability to reliably read boxes of differing heights and widths is essential. 

    KEYENCE has the capability to meet all of these demands.

  • High-Level Visibility

    A superior code reader is essential to achieving site-wide visibility. Companies that have realized this are starting to introduce barcode reading solutions throughout their facilities to gain a strong competitive edge. 

    At KEYENCE, we offer the most suitable code readers for various sites and applications, whether automated or semi-automated, to help build stable data acquisition systems.

Download the catalogue to learn more about how Keyence barcode scanners can improve your efficiency!


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