NEW Pattern Projection Lighting for simultaneous 2D and 3D inspections

  • Pattern Projection Lighting

  • Accurate target appearance capture

    • Multiple stripe patterns are projected at high speed and analysed in real-time to generate a 3D image.
    • The new 3D toolset ensures stability with 3D comparison, shape detection and cross-sectional area.

    Simultaneous 2D + 3D inspection

    • The new Pattern Projection Lighting enables applications that need height data alongside conventional 2D inspection.
    • Inspections of difficult-to-spot variations are stable and accurate without influence from target surface conditions.

    Fusion of lighting, camera and controller

    • KEYENCE offers multiple core processors to maximise performance with flexible camera and lens selection.
    • It is possible to select from a wide variety of cameras, from to 0.31 to 21 megapixel cameras.

    Discover the new Pattern Projection Lighting for simultaneous 2D and 3D inspection.


CV-X/XG-X Series Vision System with Pattern Projection Lighting Catalogue

CV-X/XG-X Series Vision System with Pattern Projection Lighting Catalogue
  • [Tipo di file]PDF:4.9MB

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